wander if ill get to the #1 highest rated…


8.24 avg. rating (161% score) - 25 votes



    Are u fuckn kidn? u may have Pic of the day.only because u came up against bottom feeders.we wudnt throw u back but u are NO WAY highest rated.234 is a bit much.post better pics and try again.and o yea its wonder. dumbass.

  2. Tyler Wince

    Yeah, probably not, but nice picture, anyway. I voted up one, but I’m just saying that I doubt it will happen. I’m also going to be the smartest person here and talk to you as if you are a guy posting this girl’s picture (because you most likely are, and because no girl I know is dumb enough to spell “wonder” like that) and tell you sorry DUDE, get an even better picture of her to blow peoples’ minds and SHE might get ranked up higher.

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