8.41 avg. rating (165% score) - 32 votes


  1. stephan

    i do see both sides of the stories men but agree with this if a man states he wouldn’t sleep with this girl is a liar and even if its not in herroom take her somewhere to it if she wants…use the both heads not just one!

  2. Neil

    Dude, don’t listen to whoever “J” is, of course he’s full of shit. In real life, the tables would be turned and that dude wouldn’t even have a chance with her in the first place. That’s why he’s on here talking shit. Because he’s FULL OF SHIT.

  3. J

    Hah.. And if I’d go back to her place and see it like that? I’d get ‘clothesburn’ from putting them back on so fast. It’s not being gay, it’s called having standards. You should get some, you bottomfeeder.

  4. FUCK!!!

    Guys saying they would not fuck this girl are fucking gay. I’ve seen other pictures of her. If you met her on the street, and she actually wanted to go home with you, you would get clothes burn from getting undressed so fast.

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