My south african friend i met on a cruise ship.


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  1. Mike

    You make excellent points, Mr. Russo. May I counter one? Yes, it may be true that AIDS occurs in a higher incidence in Africans, but much of that could be attributed to the widespread poverty in most of Africa. Also, with less comprehensive education and public health programs, the awareness for the disorder is far below levels here. That being said, our friend’s companion is less likely to be in the impoverished demographic due to the fact that she is on a cruise liner. I understand that you were not insinuating she had the disorder, but I wanted to clarify on your statistic.

    All said, props to our gentlemen getting some from his cruisemate.

  2. Frank Rizzo

    Schooler, just so you know, the majority of cruise ships are registered and licensed out side of the US.

    Also, statistically speaking, Africans are more inclinded to have AIDs. I think African men are 8x more likely, is what I read a while back.

    All-and-all, good job getting some strange on the cruise, man.

  3. Schooler

    Do some research ppl! Major cruise lines in america do NOT just let ppl come work for them from other countries! They screen them extensively. With more health and background checks that you can think of. Do you really think they will let sickly or dangerous ppl work on the ship and risk them giving customers whatever they might have.Trust me they know these types of things happen so they are very picky about who they hire.

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