

5.21 avg. rating (102% score) - 19 votes


  1. Spic born and raised in the USA who served in the military for MY country

    The new generation of white girls fuck minorities get over it. Its always white guys with the race problems. She doesn’t seem to mind that black cock in her mouth too much…

  2. whiteboy

    Bet this stupid bitch is a piece of white ass trash who had to grow up with the monkeys in the worst part of town, and got brainwashed into believing it was OK to lay down with the drug dealers for a few dollars. I bet she talks with that stupid ass wigger accent too, dumb bitch.

  3. Water

    “real americans, THE white people.”

    You seem to have made a typo here, the real Americans are kind of redish brown and were mostly wiped out when us imperialistic white devils showed up and started murdering them for their land.

    Fortunately -most- of us not longer practice this and have learned to live in harmony with other races, although you wouldn’t know that based on most of the comments on this picture.

  4. Raven

    john doe. you want to talk huh? who the fuck are you to talk? bob make a good point. niggers and spics should go back to where they came from. they are here bring our country down. they are taking jobs away from real americans, THE white people. i wish abraham lincoln wouldnt have gotten shot and sent the niggers back like he was gonna do. and supporter of niggers and spics isnt a true american. FACT!!!!!

  5. John Doe

    And where the fuck did YOU come from, “bob”? Trace your own mutt ancestry and you’ll certainly end up hating yourself and end up back in a country other than the one you live in now.

    Dumb fucks on here… and everywhere… I swear.

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