man ur retarted, she pretty sexy dude. how u gonna say she look like an alien? u need to pop them beer goggles off, rub the excess kronic out ur eyes n take a second glance. u a lie’n fool if u say u wouldnt hit that n if u on real talk sayn u wouldnt then u gotta be gay.
man ur retarted, she pretty sexy dude. how u gonna say she look like an alien? u need to pop them beer goggles off, rub the excess kronic out ur eyes n take a second glance. u a lie’n fool if u say u wouldnt hit that n if u on real talk sayn u wouldnt then u gotta be gay.
hey girls! send me ur pics at [email protected] … I trade!
That bitch is ugly as fuck lmao she looks like a white alien
What’s her name??
She swallows…
Awesome.. a local gal from 614.. She have a name?
mmmm more of this ex!!!
Yummy wanna trade pics of our exs rib84@yahoo