Madison C

8.34 avg. rating (166% score) - 217 votes


  1. Countryboyyy

    She’s super fine…wish I would have took the opportunity to smash her ass in high school…She had a thing for the ballers 😉 it was more like a crush because she was the preppy quiet innocent type back then..DEF a prime example of girls from Madison. I would suck a fart out her butthole no lie, and I neverrrrrr do that. Anyways, she sure is BLESSED..if you know what I mean. Lol

  2. loc

    I love this girl very much. She is a fine young lady who made a mistake sending the wrong douche bag a picture in the 10th grade! Im sure a jealous female who got a hold of this picture posted never the less if u want to keep your dick in your hand and fantasys in your head so be it, just remember she’s my reality and THATS MY PUSSY!!!

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