Kim Y at work, Strongsville, OH

7.96 avg. rating (156% score) - 28 votes


  1. Holy train tracks

    July 3rd she overdosed on pills and spent 5 days at university hospital with liver failure. Most people would thank God they were alive and maybe change? Not Kimberly Yates, she continues to celebrate by being the parma drunk addict. She recently went to jail for 10 days for crashing her car in a drunken drug induced binge in hinckley Ohio. She celebrated her incarceration by conning the jail to give her narcotics!! Lmao yea a drug addict got a jail to give her pills! As if that’s not enough she tried to apparently stab her baby’s father too! She is a train wreck. The sad part is that she continues all this around her kid. How pathetic. She played everyone like a pretty little whore she is. Soon she will be right back to the beginning without anyone. Even her father apparently got pissed and beat her up. I guess he was fed up with her drunk ass self. Maybe that’s why he cared so little about her overdosing, maybe the sad truth is they just wanted her to die and were pissed her life was saved? Hey kids this is what a truly shitty life looks like lol

  2. Jim

    Now it appears her absolute body double (lol) is posting ads (unless of course it is her) on backpage as a paid hooker. She completely fell off the wagon and encountered a massive drug overdose from taking 80 opiates in 2 days. She was hospitalized almost died and went right back to it without missing a beat. She is now on her way to jail for her second OVI once her boyfriend Jim Scullin gets out of jail in Cleveland for HIS second ovi. She was even a wanted fugitive for over a week when she ignored the warrants for her arrest. She is a wreck, a broke wreck with no more money trains so apparently she decided to create her own money train on backpage as a hooker.

  3. Glenn

    So I hear this skank is posting ads online with her bisexual boyfriend Jim scullin looking for other couples to have sex with? The ad says they are BOTH bisexual. So I guess he sucks dick gets fucked in the ass and swallows cum just as much as Kim? Wow.

  4. Nikki

    Kimberly Yates is a total whore. She already had one abortion. I just wonder how many more this whore will have? Lol she is a total skank with deflated floppy looking tits. Maybe she should consider plastic surgery?

  5. Jon

    This girl is a flighty whore willing to do anything to anyone for a high. Funny that’s exactly what a crack whore does isnt it? Kim Yates is trouble with a capital T. If you see this douchebag RUN for your character lol

  6. Jon

    She is a heroin , cocaine , pill junkie that is bisexual as is her boyfriend Jim who likes to be with guys as well sucking and getting fucked as well. She is a train wreck that uses and lies to everyone she meets.

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