
7.57 avg. rating (148% score) - 28 votes


  1. I don’t have any interest in things having their ratings inflated due to having a lot of votes, I actually have tried, unsuccessfully, to have the votes stay but be recalculated to sort the voting by percentage of plus votes instead of just the number. I am on a plane now, posting more, and will have regular updates from now on. Had no idea being in the islands would have no internet, but was on a cruise and the ship’s satellite internet blocked ALL adult sites from being accessed.

  2. trucker

    Her pic would have to b the last pic on this site for at least 15 days b4 she can get close to being highest rated and Honestly i dont c that ever happening. So to all those out there stressing over not having a new pic to drool over, i say get a life and for god sake get a real girl to jerk off to. Stop bitching and grow a set.

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