I really don’t know what to think about that pussy? Kinda looks like a broken in baseball mitt
Definition of Whore
Someone needs to learn the definition of whore. Just because she has fucked you and no longer more and off to fucking someone else does not make someone a whore. It means you sucked in bed and she needs something you did not or were inable to provide.
What part of 956?
I think her last is Rangel.
What part of 956 n what’s her last name? Face pic maybe??
Where is she from?
Her last name is Rangel. Angie Rangel.
When is my turn?
I really don’t know what to think about that pussy? Kinda looks like a broken in baseball mitt
Someone needs to learn the definition of whore. Just because she has fucked you and no longer more and off to fucking someone else does not make someone a whore. It means you sucked in bed and she needs something you did not or were inable to provide.
What part of 956?
I think her last is Rangel.
What part of 956 n what’s her last name? Face pic maybe??