For what its worth I’ve pulled some girls off craigslist close to 10s. I haven’t used em since they ‘banned’ the adult ads a few years back, but I occasionally call some top notch sluts on backpage and eros 🙂
I said the same thing before I looked at the comments wow your lucky there is just black crackheads on my Craig’s list
Nice body!
For what its worth I’ve pulled some girls off craigslist close to 10s. I haven’t used em since they ‘banned’ the adult ads a few years back, but I occasionally call some top notch sluts on backpage and eros 🙂
I said the same thing before I looked at the comments wow your lucky there is just black crackheads on my Craig’s list
foreal? girls like this exist on craiglist?
REALLY? girls like this exist on craigslist?