More of Kayla c from Chatsworth (2)

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  1. Hey girls you do know ur fucking super fucking sexy as he’ll I just want to lie in the bed and hold you forever I want to die holding on to you because then ill die holding on to a little piece of heaven because that is damen sure what you are girl I love you for real girl you remember me this Casey Cain I damn sure remember you especially now that ive really seen you I wont get you out of my damn head thanks for that love you for real ive always had a major crush on you all through school no shit never had the balls to act on it though but besides all that how have you been its been a hella long time lol I had to use that saying he’ll everyone else is using it had to see what it sounded like lmao!!!!!! 🙂 🙂 🙂 😉 😉 ‘.);):);)

  2. Kerry

    It’s been a long time girl ur still looking good ‘ it’s Kerry listen I ain’t worried about the past and damn shore not bout no drama, just seen ya and wanted to say hey. I’m doin good, fams good just got a lot more hatters I guess I’m doin something huh ‘ ; ) give me a shout and I’ll give u my digets I’m out peace

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