

6.64 avg. rating (129% score) - 22 votes


  1. Tyler Wince

    Both of you are pretty much right. I D000dz is right cause that’s what this site is all about. It’s supposed to be porn. Everyone hates it when some girl or whoever it is sends a picture in of her and her friends in the bathroom mirror making stupid faces and stuff while they’re all fully dressed. Even if a there’s a picture of a girl on here fully dressed but has her finger in her mouth, ill minus a point ’cause it’s not porn. Phil is only right ’cause this picture is nice. She’s wearing no pants and sexual conduct is implied. Haha, she’s hot. But Phil, you’re an idiot because guys on here do need to show their entire girlfriend. Don’t be retarded.

  2. Phil

    Are you seriously bitching about this? Its a hot chick with no pants, tan, dressed up in a school girl outfit. She’s fucking fine and you need to quit bitching about guys not showing their entire girlfriends just for your sick pleasures.

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