This website used to be really good, every day many pictures would be uploaded and now where lucky there’s 10 pictures a week
We can get back there I know we can!
Dark knight
One day your uploading logic will make sense. and I’ll be there still uploading. Maybe the same area code maybe a new one but I’ll be there. I might not be the hero this site needs but I’m the hero this site deserves.
Robin (sidekick)
*also this was less than 24 hour submission and posting.
This website used to be really good, every day many pictures would be uploaded and now where lucky there’s 10 pictures a week
We can get back there I know we can!
One day your uploading logic will make sense. and I’ll be there still uploading. Maybe the same area code maybe a new one but I’ll be there. I might not be the hero this site needs but I’m the hero this site deserves.
*also this was less than 24 hour submission and posting.