All Pictures, Solo Hehe. i found these on my phone (2) 2010-07-11, 3:00 AM 440 8.35 avg. rating (163% score) - 26 votes Hehe. i found these on my phone Hehe. i found these on my phone (3) 2 Comments Stupid Whores 2010-07-12 at 1:19 PM 14 years ago I cannot think of anything less hygienic than sticking a shoe in your pussy. Just think of all the dog shit, bacteria, spit, and vomit a shoe walks through on a daily basis then look at this picture. dabbler 2010-07-11 at 11:06 AM 14 years ago thats how u use a heel Leave a Reply Cancel replyYour email address will not be published. Required fields are marked *CommentName* Email* Website Δ
Stupid Whores 2010-07-12 at 1:19 PM 14 years ago I cannot think of anything less hygienic than sticking a shoe in your pussy. Just think of all the dog shit, bacteria, spit, and vomit a shoe walks through on a daily basis then look at this picture.
I cannot think of anything less hygienic than sticking a shoe in your pussy. Just think of all the dog shit, bacteria, spit, and vomit a shoe walks through on a daily basis then look at this picture.
thats how u use a heel